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Plants of the Congo

African Mahogany (Khaya anthotheca)
African Mahogany is a tall, beautiful tree found in the rainforests of the Congo. It has large, shiny leaves and produces small, fragrant flowers. The wood from this tree is very valuable and used to make furniture and musical instruments. African Mahogany trees also provide shelter and food for many forest animals.

Ebony Tree (Diospyros crassiflora)
Ebony Trees are famous for their dark, dense wood, which is used to make fine carvings and musical instruments. These trees grow slowly in the Congo's rainforests and have small, green leaves. The fruit of the ebony tree is also enjoyed by many animals. Ebony wood is so valuable that it's often protected to prevent over-harvesting.

Safo Safou (Dacryodes edulis)
Safo Safou, also known as the African Pear or Bush Butter Tree, is a medium-sized tree that produces delicious, oily fruits. These fruits are often eaten raw or cooked and are very nutritious. The tree has thick, glossy leaves and grows well in the warm, tropical climate of the Congo. The oil from the fruit is also used in cooking and traditional medicine.

Okoumé (Aucoumea klaineana)
Okoumé is a tall tree with smooth, grey bark and large leaves that grow in the rainforests of the Congo. It produces small, fragrant flowers and lightweight wood that is used for making plywood and boats. The tree is important for local communities and is also used in reforestation projects. Okoumé trees help keep the forest healthy by providing habitat for many species.
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